Archive for 十一月, 2005

group member searching


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little bear

Edward finally gave me this bear!  Don’t you think it looks like Paul?………..:)

But it’s a pity that Ed. kissed it several times before he gave it to me……..-.-"


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my 80% perfect Sunday

I declined the appointment yesterday, and felt great. In Taiwan, if we said "let’s have dinner some time" it means "see you". But if you asked me "when"….that’s so difficult to answer. That’s why I cannot promise "when".
I went to Starbucks with Devon at noon. It’s hardly to study there. And the plan resulted in chatting+a little bit study. But, nice, isn’t it?
After a long que, I found  one side of "my sofa" was occupied by a couple. I tried to concerntrate on my book but made it a strange scene.
It is dark and cold here after 4:40PM. We went into the freezing wind searching for food. Finally we stopped at the JADE, a Chinese restaurant. The conclusion is that everytime we go to the restaurant, we miss the food in Taiwan:P Anyway, the waiter and waitress are friendly enough to compromise the "exorbitant" price(compared with that in Taiwan). It’s a question of feeling.
Lousy food plus nasty staff—>disaster
After dinner, we walked together till the central library. I walked slowly, cuz I don’t want to go home. Actually, I am afraid of going back…
I saw the "skyline park" is assembling the moving wheel and carrousel in the millenium square.
Does it have special meaning to arrange a "playground" during X’mas? I don’t know but it seems nice:) like fairy tale.
It is a cold and long distance going back. I was walking and singing. I like the feeling of breathing the air and exhaling "smoke". It would be perfect were there a warm hug. 80% perfect anyway!
Oh, my toes became numb with cold by walking in the frigid weather:~ excellent 

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it is obvious that i am beautiful…in an african point of view
and he wants me to be his girl friend….>"<
I just want to be polite…:(
He said it’s been a week and I haven’t given him the answer. I even don’t visit him.
Yes, I say that I am busy everytime he calls.
How come he would have my number…?
After the temporized talk …I invited him for dinner tomorrow…inevitable:(

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travel plan part 1


Gaudi BB is located at a convenient spot I think. Check L5, the blue line. It is near Camp de I’Aroa and Sagrada Familia. 


Sagrada Familia (church of the holy family), the most famous tourist spot in the “Gaudi route” is in walking distance!


We can roam around the Gaudi route. (就高第建築漫遊路線) This is a recommended travel route of many self-travelers and Barcelona tourists’ website:

They said that Madrid takes no more than 2 days. It is not so special as Barcelona.


Btw, Barcelona travel card: 4 consecutive days>>>16 euro <<<highly recommended


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It seems nice but lacks of something.
Something I cannot tell.
What should it be like?
It’s hard to explain.
Everything here is fine.
But needs more passion and emotion…

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如果的事 — 范瑋琪/張韶涵

我想過一件事 不是壞的事 一直對自己堅持愛情的意思
像風沒有理由輕輕吹著走 誰愛誰沒有所謂的對與錯
不管時間 說著我們在一起有多坎坷

我不敢去証實 愛你兩個字
不是對自己矜持 也不是諷刺
別人都在說我其實很無知 這樣的感情被認定很放肆

如果你已經不能控制 每天想我一次 如果你因為我而誠實
如果你看我看的電影 聽我愛的CD 如果你能帶我一起旅行
如果你決定跟隨感覺 為愛勇敢一次 如果你說我們有彼此
如果你會開始相信 這般戀愛心情 如果你能給我如果的事

如果你會開始相信 這般戀愛心情
我只要你一件如果的事 我會奮不顧身地去愛你

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Do nothing


After endless group meeting in Friday afternoon, I tried to ignore Monica’s suggestion of going shopping (but I still gave her a call). I would rather stay at home do nothing. I walked slowly on my way back to accommodation and found the meadow which was covered with frost this morning seemed like defrost already.


When I entered  my room I felt like defrost too. I suddenly realized that the heater I forgot to turn off was keeping warming the room. Dry air and high temperature made me feel sleepy and relax. I shut down the heater, tried to arrange my thought and start writing. It is my interest to write something informal, but I haven’t done in English. I know I am good at this in Chinese.


In Friday afternoon, it is good to listen to Norah Jones or some music that is light and soft; to have a cup of tea or coffee, I like the smell of tea and coffee; to be in a trance, do nothing. This is happiness!

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1. can’t concerntrate
2. think too much/ worried
3. anxious
4. happy
5. can’t stop eating, especially biscuits
6. sleepy
7. excited
i am sick………………………………………………………………………………..

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