Archive for 二月, 2006

a long date

Funny lol. I totally understand it was a long date.
Although I still have many things to tell him, and I still have many questions in my mind, we just passed the best timing.
I am glad that Scotland won the game. Childish though I like it.
If I am still young, let me be a child. Why should I pretend that I am matured?
K asked that if it is that hard to love someone heartily… I cannot answer. I can just say, there is a moment when we enjoy each other; there is a moment when everything changes.
It was a long date. And I am gonna keep the lessen in my mind.
I can’t generously wish u live happily hereafter, not right now.

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It is bcuz I don’t want to lose a friend

That’s why I am confused.

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Jay 周杰倫

It’s been a long time I haven’t listen to Chinese pop music. I choose Jay as a start. Weird weird weird feeling. The musical notes are just like floating in the air. And I can’t feel, can’t touch, can’t grab them.
Friday night, I am alone in my tiny room. Let the lyric tear my heart without feeling pain, at least it decreased. Good trial though.
My happiness sustains from autumn to winter anyway. They said it snowed today. I didn’t go out let along seeing the falling snow. However it snowed first time in my mind this winter and it would never stopped until freezing my memory, or brain activity.  
The only way to save myself is kick your ass badly!

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see through

A few days ago, I guess it was the most depressed moment I’ve ever had, I wrote T a letter.
The day before, I executed my "I miss u" ceremony.
Yesterday, I was less depressed and I talked to a good friend online about my ridiculous night life.
Today, I am a changed person!! (am I!? haha)
If I don’t love then I wouldn’t hate u.
If I don’t hate u, then I wouldn’t think about u.
It is a truism of relationship no matter it is 5 minutes or 50 years.
This is a notion, rather than a specific case.
I learn to be objective objective and objective.
In some ways, I am thankful,
 I am.

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erase my blue air

C’mom roaring wind,
    Please blow my blue air away.
Oh light shower,
    Please wash the gloom away.
If you ask
   When I make the decision,
I believe it is while I was sleeping.
Because I was so involved
   That I would feel hurt.
Suddenly I realize that I just met another me.
   We are too similar.
I would give my work the first priority
   Over friends or relationship.
However I realize this too late
   And I don’t want to be like this.
I am supposed to be the one who loves me best.
   And I am happy with that.

I named my Christmas Elf ‘Spring roll’
After a period of being expelled,
He’s now in my bed again.
The good thing is that I can treat him as usual.
I think I can get rid of him finally.

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post-‘I miss u’ ceremony

Hope I can get rid of it.
I can’t do this any more.
I give up my belief of purity and genuine. Yet a play girl…let me think about it. Not worth it.
Spring roll, good night.

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webcam, msn, skype, comm tech…

Chat with D today. My virgin experience of skype.
Good fun though!

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how can people be like this?

I think about T recently. Maybe it’s because we talked on line nearly all the weekend. And he went back to his "patriot duty"; I went back to my work, back to reality.

Ran into him twice today. I don’t know why, but I still likes to look at him, look at him smile. Just like nothing happened, and he can still give me the sense of belonging. Although it isn’t belonged to me. I just enjoy staring at him.


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今天知道上學期的成績了。不能說很滿意,但是既然只求及格 ,那就沒什麼好說的了。
怎麼大家都有被小組報告幫忙到,我就沒有啊- -"
不管如何,Oceana還是要去的,當作pass exam party。
那這學期要努力一點了,果然要concentrate on study呀…
回家的時候幸好雨停了,結果去site office check完信,竟然就批哩啪啦狂下。
不說一聲就下雨很不講義氣。他媽的還變很冷><" damn cold
對了姐姐妹妹們要寫hair care brand的哪時候來討論一下??

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good morning^_^

Woke up around 9:30. I took a shower to energize, and make me some oat meal complemented with honey nut corn flakes and two slices of rustic multigrain (toast). Tesco’s private label, value for money and…healthy!


I think it is good to start a day with healthy and luxuriant breakfast. This somehow recalled me my friends in the Uni. We usually made appointment of breakfast gathering although it sometimes turned out to be luncheonJ


Btw, I took picture of my fruit kit! Karman asked me why I put fruits in that basket. I said this makes life more delightful. Sometimes even a small decoration could make you happy. I guess the fruit kit is the only thing that could light up my poor room:P

Got to concentrate on work! Oh ya!

“Shall we talk?” Good song isn’t it? We don’t talk, because I felt comfortable and relieved when I was with you. I took the gift and didn’t ask why.


Today I am going to take my heart back and steal back my memory. Cuz it’s the only way to move on. Might sound silly but it’s true.

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