Archive for 六月, 2006

comparative lonely

… a few months later, she has formed some particular insistences such as:
not to go to the cinema alone,
not to stay in a dorm hostel, and
not to go to a bar alone.
What’s my insistence?
Since everyone’s afraid of being lonely, I dont have to hide behind something merry or pretend that ‘am happy with what I have.
I admit that I am lonely and almost bored to death. Actually I have things to do and to concentrate on but I just dont want to (tho I have to).
Suddenly I find myself can watch movies, have a coffee break, go window shopping, or even travel ALONE!!!
What’s wrong with me? And, what’s wrong with this?
Why are people supposed to fear of being lonely/single? Is it bcuz of fear so that people tend to "hate" this?
Do I really need someone to take me out?? Then who is the "someone"?
The problem is, I dont know how to deal with people. Sarcastically, it is bloody true.

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girl with a pearl earring

,每次看到他的海報封面,總忍不住駐足。老實說,我並不覺得Scarlett Johanson漂亮,這幅海報的構圖也算常見,但是那眼神,總是那麼令人想知道,這究竟是個什麼樣的故事?






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in the small island

I watched the vedio clips of the music award of Taiwan sang with the Yanzi, and cried. It’s not that she sings so touching or… but just bcuz it recalls my memory.
In this small island, we were happy and satisfied. Maybe not, but life is peaceful that’s for sure. We are satisfied with our little world.
Will this still be my stage?
maybe I should not think too much. This is where I come from and where I belong. Ive peeked the world and I have to understand what to do hereafter. I should know this better than others.
I will go back to the island and move on. tho I am missing here right now. Maybe it is the feeling of departure that makes me anxious and eager to keep something. But I know I can keep nothing except for my memory.

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music award in Taiwan
–>Leehom–>i like this best
–>張震嶽、Mc HotDog、侯佩岑–>我愛台妹

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