Archive for 九月, 2006

try not to…try to

I’ve told myself not to think of you, at least, not to think of you that much.
You are too busy to company me while I am just bored… what a bad timing, isnt it?
I found I would be satisfied with your caring, even it’s just one sentence, one kiss, one hug… this is not good for me:(
I know I will miss you so so so much when I go back.
I told you my eyes were swelling, but i didnt tell you it’s because of crying…
I talked with Mary last night. She’s in Chicago right now….
we talked about our relationship…although i dont even know should I name it as "relationship."
I never got this feeling before, and never try so hard to like, to love a person.
She said I should tell you how much I love you. I said, I will, I will…..

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