Archive for 十一月, 2006

tricky job hunting

The company informed me that I pass the interview last week. But I have to wait for HR manager to come back and speak about my salary and when to start my work. I take it as an job offer.
while a friend just told me that it doesnt count until I sign the contract or something like that.
(Do we have a contract to sign?? I dont remember from my last experience.)
Great, my friend was right.
When I called the company this afternoon, they said they arrange some other interviews this Thursday and Friday.
I have to wait till they finish all the interviews and decide. which means, I get the ticket but it doesnt guarentee a job.
Thus I start to looking for other chances for security sakes!!!

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I loved you

Mary asked, "how have you been?"
I said, "I am alright. I cant change things or him; thus I changed myself."
We talked about the gifts given by the ones we love(d).
I still keep that panda bear, cuz it was given by him. It’s cute but not what I would buy for myself.
However, I still love it.
She said, no matter how silly he is, how ridiculous that present is, or how childish he acts… we will regard him
cute, lovely and adorable. At least, we loved. (Did I? I couldn’t help wonder… did I?)
It’s not a good timing to recall things. tho I cant stop thinking about the vedio games, ebay auctions, crispy bread,
lazy nights, cocktail, science novels, lord of the ring…… your interests, life and experience have made up part of my memory.
Im not the girl to play games.

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get busy!

   My eagerness to get busy is going crazy, i guess. They said there will be more opportunities in the end of the year. But I just want to leave and hope to start a new life. Hopefully, hopefully I’ll achieve this goal next week.
   Busy interviewing~ I really dont mind! The only concern is… it’s too exhausting to go to Taipei from my home. It’s 4.5 hours drive! SHIT! (sorry) So, keep ur fingers crossed for me:) and wish me luck lol

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back home and move forward

I am home and still experiencing some kind of culture shock.
It’s not so familiar but it’s not strange either.
I will look right first when crossing the road;
I hate to wait for the traffic signal;…
I am not familiar with my bed;
I still like those electronic music;…
I dont have to cook or do the dishes….correction,
I dont like to do these now.
I miss english pub/bar, oh, and even the notorious fish&chips.
I have no appetite at all….maybe it’s bcuz im so poooooooooor:)
how would u think i’ll be fine?
I have to be ok, that’s all.

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