Archive for 一月, 2007

It wasnt cold at all!

The weather report cheated again!
I thought I will experience at least a few days of chill. But, look! The sun is shinning, the wind is breezing… which is not a bad thing tho. I just miss the cold weather. It’s like that I didnt feel the winter and it’s already spring time.
Well, what’s wrong with that? It’s not the weather’s fault~~~ just a cynical person’s mumble:P

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(sigh) Im thinking of you again

It’s Saturday evening. It is rare that I have no activities in weekends, but it somehow happens! Usually I will be happy to have time enjoy myself, but suddenly I feel scared. Im afraid of being alone at this moment.
I would still think of you when Im free. Maybe Im not busy enough!?
Here comes a coldfront this weekend. When I came back from a workshop at 5ish, it’s chilling outside already.
As cold as the day I came back from England. (that was 25/10/2006) Dont know how’s the weather in UK now? freezing?
How are you doing?
Im alright. Work is ok, life is ok, but kinda pointless. I never am a patient person. I dont like to wait.
Also, I dont have time to wait for myself to stop thinking of the past. But I cant help it><

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“how’s ur love life?”

"how’s ur love life?" seems to be one of the most frequent asked questions in the world.
Guess we all have lots of experiences of being asking and answering this.
Do people have nothing to ask? or maybe "relationship" is more interesting than your job, family, career… or even shopping!?
It looks like people are starting to get interested in my (empty and dull) love life. (Obviously they dont get it. they dont know
it’s empty and dull. haha:~)
I would easily get irritated before. But Im not uncomfortable with being asking, asking and asking recently.
I think it’s bcuz of my attitude changing. When I was young, well, it is not to say that im old… anyways,
when I didnt have a boyfriend and I wanted to have one while I didnt, I tended to feel shamed and angry. But Im not like that now.
This is kinda a new phase to me. And Im totally ok with this.
Those guys used to catch my eye are no longer attractive. Further, Im confused about my "taste" but I dont want to deal with my confusion at this moment. pretty cool, eh!?
I still read his blog sometimes, still think of him sometimes, but I think Im rational enough. Im much too rational.
well trained by him, I guess.

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