Archive for 四月, 2007

if you are migraine, please go away

My awareness of headache, migraine and hangover is kinda vague.
Maybe it’s because I didnt experience all of them. and believe me, I dont want to either.
However, after going to bed without drying my hair for several times (since in the UK), I start to worry about that migraine might come to me. (oh no)
tho I decide to give it a trial: if it still exists tomorrow, that tons of single malt in my head probably arent "just" hangover. which means… im fxxked up. (that bad? oh yeah, that bad.)
I hope it’s just a hint of headache.
I promise I will dry my hair before sleeping from now on. I will.

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happiness without love

Vincent seems to worry about my love life, correction, the so-called happiness. Apparently I lost all my attraction in England. Plus, according to him, Im not Taiwanese men’s type, and my personality is not “adorable.” too tough, too smart or too defensive i guess.

What’s comforting is, i do not surrender to loneliness.


I just wonder, could happiness be without “L-O-V-E?” Maybe, im not young; but if I marry someone just because my clock’s running, that sounds more pathetic to me.


Why isn’t there good timing to do the right thing? (speechless)

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四個我-Sex and the City roles reflect 4 aspects of women

雖然聽說”desperate housewives””sex and the city”有趣,雖然我還沒機會好好的看這個頗受好評的影集,

但我要說說為什麼我喜歡sex and the city


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