Archive for 一月, 2009

French lessen

Daniel gave me a DVD of French speaking lessen. According to him, if you finished these 90 chapters, your French would be "functioning."
So, Im following the DVD and hope that I could continue till… least till this weekend!

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Red Sweater

I bought a red sweater!
Usually I dont wear red. Because Im low-profile~~~ dont wanna stun others:P
However, I realised that my outfit/style should not go down with the economy!! I decided to be colorful!

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someone special vs. someone perfect

I read about a question my friend asked on her blog. This is a FAQ to many of us actually. She asked how to become the one, and what to do to become the one. I just type down what occurs to me right away.
I pop a question: does "the one" means forever? If someone said you are the one, does it mean you two will live happily hereafter?
Maybe we only become "the one" for each other in certain time period. This time period could be short or long. Depends on how you work and do.
I have no answer to "what you have to do to become the one," because it’s not about what you do yourself. It about the two of you. Your personalities, progress, development and feelings, etc. have achieved a balance then. It’s pretty lucky. Will it make you feel happier thinking this way?
Dont get me wrong. Im not sarcastic or skeptic. I believe that true love does exist, I believe that love conquers (if two work hard on it). However, we also learn from mistakes and so-called love and relationship. We all are looking for someone special and hope s/he could be the one. Sometimes we mistaken someone perfect for someone special and confused ourselves.
Forget about "perfect"! If someone is really special to you, then s/he is perfect!!

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