Archive for 二月, 2009


Most of us are looking for love, eagerly, lazily…
When you find it, you get happiness, warmth, support…; you give up flirt, unsecurity, part of your "freedom"…
When you have someone in your heart, on your mind, you also have the strength to face the world.
Maybe I am a "perfectionist" or "idealist" you may say,
this is the love I expect.

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lazy weekend again

I took some work back home, but again, I ignore it. This weekend is as lazy as usual ones, I went window shopping, went to a movie, did house chores, and also went to see my grandma (who lives in the same neighborhood!)
I am reading "the elegance of the hedgedog" and listening to my Coldplay CD. The former shows some sharp and smart views of our life and society, which is very delightful to read. The latter reminds me my happiness. Thank you.
Sometimes we just need something to tell us how lucky we are (although life is tough). Sometimes we feel like giving up everything, but someone there makes you have strength again.
I dont know what to write now, actually, at least I dont feel like "murmuring" as much as I used to. (However this "article" itself is a…murmur!)

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