Archive for 三月, 2009


Yesterday I had my 28th bithday. It was as usual tho we ate a cake. I dont know why we should have cakes on birthdays, it’s just what we alwasy do.
I dont remember previous birthdays exactly. Im not a fan of birthday but Im sure I would be glad if some remember and just say happy birthday. Thnak you, to those who sent card, text message, email, and called…
It’s Stella’s b day today. I was surprised when I knew she has gone to Yilan for birthday with her boyfriend. She said of course I took days off, it’s my birthday. I dont know when my birthday will become so "important" to me that I would take days off to somewhere. when my boyfriend is around?
My ideal birthday, umm, it would be for just someone close. Having a lovely meal, spend whole day together (if possible), or, a mini weekend break or holidays will be great too. And promise that we will celebrate birthdays together next year, next year…
I guess this is the most difficult romance. well, let’s focus.

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