Archive for 八月, 2009

working with typhoon!

8ish ~I arrived the office. It was windy. However I met several colleagues. It seemed most people have come to work to "earn" extra hours for future holidays. In fact, to hospitals, there are no weekends or holidays as normal industries do. To us administrative personnel, it’s better to come to check if things are ok.
9ish ~Vice president asked me to go to ICU to check some new information he decides to publish for patients and their family. We talked about some topics for press briefing.
11ish ~It’s stormy outside. I feel dizzy just look at the trees  from the window… I am thinking about going home… The stormy rain could be horrifying in the afternoon… but firstly!! I have to feed myself. Instant noodles are best match with typhoon season!

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Can you ever be sure of anything?

The older I am, the less sure I am.
When you asked, I can only reply "I dont know."
I wish I can provide you exact information, but the truth is I can not decide things by myself.
So here comes the typical PR answer: it depends.

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