Archive for 休閒生活

if you are migraine, please go away

My awareness of headache, migraine and hangover is kinda vague.
Maybe it’s because I didnt experience all of them. and believe me, I dont want to either.
However, after going to bed without drying my hair for several times (since in the UK), I start to worry about that migraine might come to me. (oh no)
tho I decide to give it a trial: if it still exists tomorrow, that tons of single malt in my head probably arent "just" hangover. which means… im fxxked up. (that bad? oh yeah, that bad.)
I hope it’s just a hint of headache.
I promise I will dry my hair before sleeping from now on. I will.

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It wasnt cold at all!

The weather report cheated again!
I thought I will experience at least a few days of chill. But, look! The sun is shinning, the wind is breezing… which is not a bad thing tho. I just miss the cold weather. It’s like that I didnt feel the winter and it’s already spring time.
Well, what’s wrong with that? It’s not the weather’s fault~~~ just a cynical person’s mumble:P

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I loved you

Mary asked, "how have you been?"
I said, "I am alright. I cant change things or him; thus I changed myself."
We talked about the gifts given by the ones we love(d).
I still keep that panda bear, cuz it was given by him. It’s cute but not what I would buy for myself.
However, I still love it.
She said, no matter how silly he is, how ridiculous that present is, or how childish he acts… we will regard him
cute, lovely and adorable. At least, we loved. (Did I? I couldn’t help wonder… did I?)
It’s not a good timing to recall things. tho I cant stop thinking about the vedio games, ebay auctions, crispy bread,
lazy nights, cocktail, science novels, lord of the ring…… your interests, life and experience have made up part of my memory.
Im not the girl to play games.

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try not to…try to

I’ve told myself not to think of you, at least, not to think of you that much.
You are too busy to company me while I am just bored… what a bad timing, isnt it?
I found I would be satisfied with your caring, even it’s just one sentence, one kiss, one hug… this is not good for me:(
I know I will miss you so so so much when I go back.
I told you my eyes were swelling, but i didnt tell you it’s because of crying…
I talked with Mary last night. She’s in Chicago right now….
we talked about our relationship…although i dont even know should I name it as "relationship."
I never got this feeling before, and never try so hard to like, to love a person.
She said I should tell you how much I love you. I said, I will, I will…..

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The scene of my hometown and that of UK has alternated and interweaved recently. Guess it’s kinda syndrome of leaving. This is easy but complicated…


Although I don’t want to care that much,… you are still the only I obsess with.

is this so called original sin?? (never mind)

I ordered the boxes for sending my stuff back to Taiwan. I can in fact do it online, but it seemed to have some problems of that webpage…(damn!) this forced me to call the service line…and was being charged… (oh no!)


My dear boxes will arrive on monday, hopefully they can help me downsize… (well, pay a lot beforehand)

the next step is to book my fight ticket.

when when when??

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be sweet

I am not good at this… tho I am trying to.
My mom often critisizes me of not thoughtful, not sweet enough. Maybe Im not familiar with "saying something sweet," I definately could "do something sweet." though I do these clumsily…
If I get used to do these gradually, is it kinda progress?
Even tho, I still find it frustrating without responses…

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My Iran housemate

He’s a nice guy, but…his English is sooooo poooooor.
It’s tired to communicate in vocabularies… and LOST IN MISCOMMUNICATION:(
This proves that you dont need to be fluent in Engliah to stay here…

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我笑說自己是desperate housewife,時間不多卻連個romance都是奢求。

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[Candy]-an online novel

A friend sent me the link of the fiction. I like it:)
They are guessing the scopes of the leading characters. I have no idea about others’ scopes. But I know Candy is an Aries girl, just knew it.
I cry a bit…after reading this.

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i miss you

inevitably falling

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