Archive for Inspiration 勵志精神喊話

think positively!!!

‘You wish you had more time’ is better than ‘we both are busy,’ yeah!?
At least I can do something!!!

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keep the good weather

the weather has a great impact on me…so great…
but I have to concentrate.
you, you, you and you can’t influence me. why cant you just go away?

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day dreaming? nope!

Can I take one day off? I asked myself after the presentation yesterday. But actually I can’t. Life has been less stressful these days which makes me don’t want to work any more. Make sense? J


I searched for information to do competitor benchmarking and start to write a bit. And then went to Su Chien’s class to have fun. It was just like language cram school in Taiwan, yes, we played games. It’s been a long time that I didn’t laugh actually. But it is not only me who suffer in these ‘pain’. Yeah, pain in the ass 😛

After that, we found a piece of grass picnicking! We should’ve had some ice cream:P


The weather is quite nice and the meadow is green and comfortable. ‘O ha na mi’ (flower seeing) plus picnic with friends were so great that I didn’t want to leave. It seems summer just sneaked in while we were sleeping…


I am thinking of going to the ‘open-air theatre’ to see [a midsummer night dream]…how to go there and back at around 9? Good question!

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