Archive for Films JACKIE電影院

feast of love

"There’s a story about the Greek gods. They were bored, so they invented humanbeings. But they were still bored, so they invented love. Then they werent bored any longer. They decided to try love for themselves. And finally…they invented laughters, so they could stand it." This is a monologue of Morgan Freeman in the beginning of the film. Does it try to tell us love is gods’ trick? Or do you think that "love is everything, is the only meaning there is to this crazy dream?"
When I complain about my helpless emotioanl falling, I think love is a trick; when I am in love, I tend to agree with the second "option," love is the only thing meaningful in this chaotic world. So, it’s generally a circle of these two above mentioned opinions. Love is everything, love is a trick, love is everything, love is a trick……
Love should be happy and joyful, however, why we found love painful? You’ve read about the Greek gods’ "invention" above. They invented laughters so that they could stand love. Which suggests that love is actually painful. Nevertheless, most of us are still "brave" enough to face the bitter sweet, and lose the only judgement that can hold your own. Good luck.
This feast of love, for anyone with an appetite for love.

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thrill from the first scene till the end! fantastic cast and songs. If i would buy any DVDs or OST this year, this must be one of them.

OK, Dominic Cooper, I first saw him in the History Boys, I guess no one who saw that movie would forget his eyes and smile (tho other actors are great too). Yet, I like Colin Firth better lol In Diary of Bridget Jones, he’s so Mr. Darcy.

Share two vedio clips with u. Honey Honey and Lay All Your Love on Me, both are very passionate, hot and sexy!!

Btw, spontaneity appears all the time in this film. I learned this word a couple of days ago.


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Made of Honor 新郎不是我

anyways,這部電影又是個愛上好朋友不自知的情節,是說一見鍾情還是比不上多年相知嗎?可是我們總是忽略身邊那個陪我們吃喝搞笑的人,那個在你傷痕累累時,陪在你身邊的人、陪你大哭大笑的人、硬要帶著你出去散心的人……我們身邊有沒有這樣的一個人呢?可能有也可能沒有,有時候,是令人安心的相信異性也有純友誼這回事(BUT有些人說沒有這種事,我看過的一篇文章就說兩性之間的友誼是無止盡的暗戀,which i believe)。

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definately, maybe

Going to second run movie theatre is usually on my weekend top 3 to do list. Cuz it’s hot outside, and we can easily kill time with 2 films. Today’s selection, well, actually I can not chose what to see, cuz there r only TWO movies on the timetable(in that theatre). And apparently, we dont want to move any further in this hot summer afternoon. We watch "心動奇蹟," the dog movie, and "definately, maybe," a rom-com starred by Ryan something…anyway~ definately my thing. haha
If you like Rom-com as I do, you’ll like this movie too. Although there r something in this film doesnt sound logical to me, never mind~
It’s about a daughter asks her father (divorced) about his love story/history, and tries to help him figure out who his true love is. There are 3 women in his love history, I mean, serious ones. (Reminding me the topic about date~) The girl forces her dad to tell her all about these relationships. And finally find out "she’s the one."
Sometimes you just dont see who’s at your side and companies you all these "years." You forget what s/he has done for you…etc. You treat each other as best friends, this might be the best part of relationship, yeah? in love with your best friend sounds a good idea. especially when everything is uncertain in this world…

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昨天去看了可愛溫馨的瓦力,其實我覺得這部電影頗有環保概念呢!幾百年後的人類,會不會真的連地球也沒得住了?大家的生活空間會不會只在自己的一艘小船上飄浮著,看著眼前的小螢幕自己笑自己哭對著螢幕聊天吃喝…這樣不是很無趣嗎?連衣服都不用換了。結果是一株植物把大家帶回地球,還是down to earth感覺比較好吧!



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首戰告捷之後,一群白鴿出現在那城樓上,真是不免俗喔:)不知道有沒有記者問過這個問題?我只知道吳宇森的電影老是出現白鴿,卻不知道為什麼?墨非吳導也想像麻辣女王一樣回答"World Peace"嗎??(笑)但是這次白鴿還真搶鏡~

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戒情人(closing the ring)、命運決勝點(cassandra’s dream),

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Oscar winner 2007

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貝多芬~永遠的愛人 a love letter from Beethoven

Good morning, on July 7

Though still in bed, my thoughts go out to you, my Immortal Beloved, now and then joyfully, then sadly, waiting to learn whether or not fate will hear us – I can live only wholly with you or not at all – Yes, I am resolved to wander so long away from you until I can fly to your arms and say that I am really at home with you, and can send my soul enwrapped in you into the land of spirits – Yes, unhappily it must be so – You will be the more contained since you know my fidelity to you. No one else can ever possess my heart – never – never – Oh God, why must one be parted from one whom one so loves. And yet my life in V is now a wretched life – Your love makes me at once the happiest and the unhappiest of men – At my age I need a steady, quiet life – can that be so in our connection? My angel, I have just been told that the mailcoach goes every day – therefore I must close at once so that you may receive the letter at once – Be calm, only by a calm consideration of our existence can we achieve our purpose to live together – Be calm – love me – today – yesterday – what tearful longings for you – you – you – my life – my all – farewell. Oh continue to love me – never misjudge the most faithful heart of your beloved.

ever thine
ever mine
ever ours


given by a close friend of mine. she said it’s in a film…well, i dont really know which film is that:P
there’s another letter enitled “my angel, my all, my everything" which had never been sent…
the expected story may be too long to achieve.
there are many words, thoughts left in our mind, 
maybe they will stay as secret forever… while they make happy/unhappy memory which is worth remember…
will never be enough, right?

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