Archive for Fun Items新鮮小物

dream about my dolly look

I couldn’t deny that I imagine/expect I could look perfect, delicate, sophisticated, and cute next day. I think about this every night before I fall asleep.
But the truth is, I’d rather sleep till the last minute, and my Aries personality couldnt afford so much detail. For exemple, I could not manage to make my hair look "curl and nature" in the morning, bcuz I wash hair in the evening, and after a night sleep, it always look…something different. I wish I would have time to wear my contact lenses, so that I can put on some make-up to make my eyes round, big and charming. However, due to my strange habit (or most girls’ habit), once I start to put on make-up, I couldnt stop easily!! The more you want to look beautiful, the more time you need. Also, the more tools you have, the more you want to use them all (in one time). I am sure there are many girls who are like me!! (Dont laught!)
So, if this dolly look isnt in my dream, then it can only last for 10 mintues or so. I have to admit that I am not good at making myself look "perfect".
Maybe I can give this silly dream up:) Anyway, I look great as who I am lol (dare to say no? hehe…)

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success in fashion!?

I did a test in a magazine. The test is to tell if your taste is good or not. Of course my taste is good!!
But I still did the test. (Maybe I am that kind of person who always need something to reassure me….to give me confidence…)
Anyway, it put several colors for your choices, you have to think about yourself and pick one.
OH!! YES!!
My choice turns out to be the BEST one. (in my opinion)
It says my taste is great, and I can be success in the fashion world~~ (I knew the former while…the latter…umm, not too sure)
Anyway~~it comforts me enough.

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French lessen

Daniel gave me a DVD of French speaking lessen. According to him, if you finished these 90 chapters, your French would be "functioning."
So, Im following the DVD and hope that I could continue till… least till this weekend!

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聖誕禮物My Xmas present


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happy xmas 2008

Hope you guys enjoy your Xmas eve.
And have a great new year ahead.
I bought myself a blush, hopefully I can make myself look peachy and delicious:P

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have nothing to say

so I say nothing.
Well, I know Im acting silly now. I am damn busy recnetly and I still cant figure out their logic of thinking & doing job.
So, "I did my job, (what follows is not my business)" that’s what I can say.

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Now I understand

"You made the decision, and  you take the consequences and sorrow. You have a lot in your mind but you cant tell anyone about your true feeling. It’s painful but you pretend to be tough and strong. It’s silly and you know it.
The singer sings you are not truely happy, your smile is the protect color you wear… It’s time to take a rest and find your way."
I borrow this paragraph from a friend’s blog. What can I say, this is so me. However, as I told you, sometimes speak out doesnt help, so I keep things to myself. This is not about honesty…you dont need to know everything about me. You are just curious and like to ask questions. I dont have to inform you those details. Who are we? What are we?
This may be a big problem for me. Is it because Im not experienced enough that makes me lose my judgement all the time? How can I open my heart if things will eventually go wrong? I guess all I can do is play on the safe side then!? Friends, what a wonderful term:) The truth is, in this vagueness, not everyone has the right to make decision, some can just accept. They still have the right, they can decide whether to accept the result or not. Be friends, or leave for good? What’s good?

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four terrible words in the world

They are "we need to talk."
at least I say it, and it feels better now. move move move 🙂

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Magnet, an expression for girl friends in north China. I mean girl friends for girls, one of the best examples is those four in sex and the city. There are different terms or expressions for girls’ gilr friends. My shanghai "magnet" described me as a "magnet" in her blog, and my asking about the meaning forms this article.
Bcuz she’s a typical Shanghai girl, I thought there would be certain expression in her language. She said, they called girl friends "little sister." However, I cant recall any expression of this in Taiwanese ( or the Chinese we speak in Taiwan). We have an idiom, the main meaning is: best friends in girls’ rooms (Im not sure if I translate it properly). But it is nothing like "little sister" or "magnet," not sweet and close enough to describe relationships among girls. (And, I dont think it’s bcuz I have tooooo few girls friends to know about those expressions. see I got one across the Taiwan Strait!)
Thank you for join today’s programme: communication between China and Taiwan! We hope to see u soon in next class.
Have a nice day!

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Going out with my mom and sis for dinner. I had a slice of apple and thought of a friend who’s allergic to apples (he’s not princess snow-white of course). Allergy is something so interesting when you see/read the allergy resource list….everything could cause very very painful result. Believe me Im experiencing this terribly itchy all weekend, even now. The itchy could appear anytime even when I sleep. It’s like a naughty kid (I would not say it’s a naughty fairy).
So I need to go to the doctor asap, umm, that’s now! Gotta run!
Ps. I categorise this article/monologue as a "fun" type tho this isn’t funny, I swear.

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