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不過在ELLE GIRL中發現了在街拍單元重複出現的面孔後,我想街拍的真實性可能得打個折了。



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Confusing Gemini

Maybe geminis haven’t even noticed their contradictory personality, BUT it’s so obvious to others.
(1)Geminis could tell you work is exhausting however when you  try to comfort them, they say they enjoy their job.
(2)They tell you parents’ dont support them and they are not happy with their jobs in one minute, BUT in another minute, when you talk about a similar situation, they will say to you: stop complaining. Their parents’ are always being supportive and you must find ways to feel happy with your job, your boss…
(3)Geminis also might tell you someone annoying keeps asking them out and wants to make them a birthday celebration, BUT when you say "ok, since you dont want to go out with him/her, I would like to take you for a dinner (or something), we could celebrate your birthday together, they response like this: oh, dont make things so complicated.
Above are just a few examples of Gemini’s contradictory personality. Sometimes they might regret about what they said, sometimes they dont notice this self-contradictory. However, people who they talk with will feel confused at first, but when they get used to this special gemini self-contradictory, they will know how to deal with it.

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I told Kyla I want to visit Paris. If I were in Taipei, I may not have the courage or enough saving for travelling. I finally (will) have holidays, and I want to spoil myself. Having something to look forward to is always nice:) She said she starts to look for a new job, while the economy is going down. We have been encouraging each other for a long time. I think I can understand her feeling about job hunting. We have dreams, but we somehow, question about this "rosy" future…. Keep faith then!! (What else can we do except for thinking positive!?)
Since Im the "head" of the office, well, if coworkers all left, I suppose Im now in charge lah~~ (joking)
So, I had a busy day, endless phonecalls (asking about ward vacancy, patients in ER and why would they die, notify about other meetings…), meetings,…revise news release, project proposal, and that god damn social group application!<–dealing with government worker is a hard job! If you wanted to know the reason, try make a phonecall and conversation. Talking to them is somewhat…irritating.
Although one of my best friends works for government too, I still feel irritated 😛
I think this is the busiest day I have had here (which is ok la…)
Im ok Im fine, not to worry about it, hehe

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Single Party and KTV culture

Is this a toooo broad topic?
Engineerer, the dream job of guys!?
A colleague asked me to go to a single party KTV, and I went. There are about 18 people in total. Her friend invited guys(engineerers) from UMC (an OEM company) and girls are mainly from my company plus my sister and a friend. Engineerers are regarded as a not-too-bad job now, although there are engineerers everywhere, like college graduates in Taiwan. If you asked the occupation of a nearly decent guy on the street, 80% of them will have this answer: Im an engineerer. (although there are lots of different fields) And if you asked a college boy, 85% of them major in EE, IT, IE, ME, etc. (I made up the numbers, just want to describe the huge amount of engineerers and engineerers wanna-be)
What if we dont have KTV?
Basically, Taiwanese go KTV a lot. Do we really really love singing? I know Japanese and Chinese also goes KTV, but I have no clue about their social life, and whether it happenes a lot in KTV too. In Taiwan, KTV provides a ready -to-use place for gathering, party, food, entertainment. In short, it’s like an one-stop shop to have fun with big screen, lighting, speakers, sofa….everything. Convenient anyway. If you r fancy for a drink, they also have wine list, just most people order beer (larger size for bunch of people).
For girls, it also provides certain level of conveniences. Bcuz most girls are not outdoor type, go KTV allows them to dress fashionable and look gorgeous. And maybe, with a microphone, everyone has his / her own moment to feel like a star / singer. In my opinion, everyone has an inner star of him/herself and will reveal this side when in KTV (or on stage).
I read an article about Taiwanese’ KTV or drinking culture. According to it, I found Taiwanese people are actually very suppressed. We dont talk much, dont chat, in social venue, you might know who’s good at drinking, who’s good at singing,…nevertheless, you have less clue about who he or she really is. Kinda sad, right? But you have to drink to get clients place order,…
So, we go to KTV express our feeling, anger, to see friends and to enjoy a bit.
Besides those mentioned above, people go to KTV for single party. But dont u think it’s like talking to a girl in a bar? Music is loud, people are noisy…so you have to sit close and talk loud. That’s why people get sore throat afterward (sing too much or talk too hard). Hopefully you’ll have fun at that moment, enjoy your song…and swap numbers with your "target." Although we know that exchanging numbers doesnt mean there comes to the next step. Sometimes guys are too shy to call, sometimes exchange numbers is just being polite, sometimes they are afraid of being rejected….all kinds of reasons more than u can imagine. So, should girls call? Most of Taiwanese girls wont. Bcuz it is regarded as unserious and I believe every girl wants to be taken seriously. This society can be very open and conservative at the same time. Maybe it’s due to my personal opinion too.
Single Party
I dont often have this kinda chances to attend a single party. And in my limited experiences, KTV with those from school of engineering isnt fun enough. (hope it’s my prejudice!) Although there’s a guy guess im 5 years younger it doesnt make me feel happier lol If he’s not a too smooth guy, then he is just playing polite, and I believe it’s the latter.
Im always curious about why people would meet their bf/gf in single party. Like we used to have some house parties inviting lots and lots people from friends’ friends. We always say "bring whoever you want!" Then the party will turn out to be some stranger gathering. no one really knows anyone from it. free food and drinks for sure.
Conclusion: I prefer to have a small party with a few friends. this conclusion is weak!!

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financial horror show

I read an interesting sentence in Time magazine, "Every day brings another financial horror show." Friend Bryan said it’s better to be ignorant. Although he’s not talking about the financial catastrophe we’ve encountered recently, I found it surprisingly suit for our current situation. It’s happier not to keep reading and listening to those terrible news and numbers / index up and down.
A friend went to Jerusalem a few weeks ago and sent me text message saying he’s crying and praying at the wailing wall, hoping Jesus can make the stock market revive sooner. If it’s he’s not reverent enought, then it’s Jesus even couldnt do anything helpul. (laugh) Come on, I can just play an ostrich which dares not to take a glimpse at stock market report, especially about those stocks I have (Thanks god I dont have much to lose). What you gonna do?(sigh~)
Should we just converge to the wailing wall then!?
The title of that article I read is: The price of Greed. Well, I havent finished this article tho I couldnt help wonder whether this penalty is too heavy for us to carry!?

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Gemini spontaneity

I read Jenny’s blog (the article was actually written nearly 8 months ago!), she said it is hard to imagine that Karman teaches in school. Cuz Karman is like a big girl to us. I still remember those days we jumped on the train to Harrogate, York,… to explore towns around Leeds. We went to Burger King when it’s snowing. We did grocery shopping in Morrisons. The little snow man we made. oh, the easter chocolate egg bought at "one stop"…and lots of Starbucks dates.  Quite spontaneity, text each other and meet up at the gate of Montague Burton (the dorm) in an hour. Well, I think we met up at "one stop" most often. One of the best thing of "one stop" is it opens till 10 PM, and if you are just soooo bored in your room, you can go there and have some late night food shopping and talk to each other. (It’s like someone call you to meet at 7-11 around corner and shopping in 7-11. weird. of course it’s unlikely to happen in Taiwan.) ok,I miss the 2 for 1 Luxury muller (the brand) yogurt now!
Im supposed to talk about these incredible geminis incl. my mom. I dont think I have lots of gemini friends in Taiwan, I met most of them in UK. They have something in common, enjoy themselves and smart. And they are comfortable with themselves most of time. Unlike aries, we get mad easily usually by others. (tho there are different ways to express getting mad.)

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timing is everything

Timing is everything. this proves in my job too. news release is about timing, campaign is about timing…So, I will get really upset when email system is slow or ….almost dead. And it happened again this afternoon. I sent an email less than 3MB by 3PM, tho it’s still drifting somewhere on  the net…. I sent it from another email add and kept waiting (for about 15 mins<–i feel it’s much longer than 30mins). luckily it succeed this time or i would be pissed off as i will have no media exposure tomorrow. It’ll be huge catastrophe. Thanks God.

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